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Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

Toni Erdmann (OSM: ToniE) reply

I maintain a collection of GTFS-feed which are - from license perspective - compatible with OpenStreetMap. [PTNA]( actually take the data and aggregates that to better fit the needs of OSM - remove trips which are from shape perspective identical and differ only in departure_time. @[GitHub](, you'll find a set of files for each feed, including a ""

26 Feb 2024 08:44 UTC

Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

Jonah Brüchert reply

MOTIS is the software doing the core of the work, that is reading the GTFS files from disk and finding the routes. Transitous is about making it run reliably and hosting it for the general public.

25 Feb 2024 18:35 UTC

Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

random guy from Wrocław reply

I see, thank you What / where in this is MOTIS?

25 Feb 2024 18:30 UTC

Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

Jonah Brüchert reply

You are right, there are existing collections of these feeds, but feeds overlap and very in quality. That's why it is needed to choose which feeds we want to add. The actual url and metadata can still be taken from an existing collection, but there is some curation needed. Sorry about the formatting, this comment system is very simple and self-built :)

25 Feb 2024 18:27 UTC

Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

random guy from Wrocław reply

and why this comments section ignored all the formatting I've done???

25 Feb 2024 17:38 UTC

Reply to article "Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router"

random guy from Wrocław reply

You are doing an interesting project, that need some contribution, so not only there is the application, but also data. I've never heard about GTFS, so I've searched in the internet if there is such option for city where I live (Wrocław, PL). And it is. Well, in lot's of the places… So, there is an official website cities domain, where you can find GTFS file. But there are also lot's of databases wich such files for regions from all around the world. I mean, I don't know what exactly is going to be in your but for me it looks like there are alread such DB-s. Do I understand that correctly? Or you are doing something different, and you have to create a new DB from the beginning? Or you didn't know about existing DB-s and that's why you started doing a new one? A few examples: - official one: - one DB found on the internet: - …and another one: - …and another one: PS Your security question are terrible… I've already done 5 mistakes and I'm pretty sure free chatgpt would give better answers than me. And why the color???

25 Feb 2024 17:37 UTC

Reply to article "New countries in KDE Itinerary"

Jonah Brüchert reply

Yes, that's unfortunate. As far as I know the current solution is to go to Tovarnik (Croatia) by train, then walk the 9km over the border and then continue with Serbia's train service. Not sure if this is something that travel planing apps should support, but I guess it would be better than straight up not showing anything.

16 Jan 2024 17:16 UTC

Reply to article "New countries in KDE Itinerary"

Kevin Kofler reply

Well, at least the ÖBB API (it is probably the same for DB) knows about Belgrade (Beograd), but is unable to route you there, for a simple reason: the segment Subotica - Novi Sad is closed for reconstruction, so the EC trains that used to run between Vienna and Belgrade (via Budapest) do not run. See–Belgrade_railway and–Belgrad .

16 Jan 2024 06:34 UTC

Reply to article "FutureSQL 0.1.0 released"

Carl reply

Great now I can start porting my projects to it 😃

20 Apr 2023 22:16 UTC

Reply to article "Recent AudioTube improvements"

Plata reply

I need this library! I've always found that DB access is a major perfomance issue, especially on the PinePhone.

01 Dec 2022 11:04 UTC

Reply to article "Recent AudioTube improvements"

Carl reply

Oh this is great. Don't forget to mention this in the plasma mobile blog post

25 Nov 2022 05:31 UTC

Reply to article "Recent AudioTube improvements"

Mathis reply


24 Nov 2022 23:58 UTC

Reply to article "lnj-post-async-databases-with-qtsql"

real_block reply

I followed your demo to create a memory sqlite instance, that's very cool. I always keep the db object as class member before, now I know how to access this resource from a pure name. However I face a weird phenomenon which I successfully opened sqlite on memory, but when I operate from another lamada and Qt warns me db not open. I close the app for a few seconds, it recovers, and when I run the app a few more times, it give me the same message. At present I think it's a little unstable for practical use.

18 Oct 2022 06:12 UTC

Reply to article "lnj-post-async-databases-with-qtsql"

Chris reply Sadly, this "feature" may cause problems with the approach you've outlined! It seems to for me... I'm going to have to rethink things.

06 Apr 2022 18:45 UTC

Reply to article "Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer"

Jonah Brüchert reply

Für die Farbbänder bekommt man bei einigen Büroartikel-Lieferanten noch Ersatz, sogar relativ günstig, aber man muss sich ganz schön durch die Suchergebnisse durchwühlen. Viele der Links die z.B. DuckDuckGo rauswirft funktionieren nicht mehr. Für die anderen Teile habe ich bisher noch nicht geguckt. Aus der Tastatur fallen einfach Zeichencodes in einem DDR-Codec raus. Bisher habe ich damit nur ein normales deutsches Tastaturlayout emuliert, aber theoretisch könnte man die Zeichen natürlich in alles mögliche Übersetzen. Bei den Escape-Sequenzen meinst du beim Drucken oder bei der Eingabe? Man könnte vermutlich sagen, dass die Schreibmaschine ihre eigenen Escape-Sequenzen hat, alle soweit bekannten sind hier aufgelistet: Für die meisten Retro-Computing Anwendungen wird man die Codes übersetzen müssen. Es wäre vielleicht interessant so etwas direkt mit einem Mikrocontroller umzusetzen, so dass gleich die richtigen Codes beim Computer ankommen. Der Rust Code sollte sich mit nicht zu viel Aufwand auf einem Mikrocontroller zum Laufen bringen lassen.

21 Mar 2022 23:08 UTC

Reply to article "Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer"

Thomas W reply

See this "manual" it shows the inside.' Hint: Replace the stock RFT EFS26 pin plug no matter wit or without housing and clamps. Solder on any 26 pin or even 9 pin sub-D connector. Just 6 wires have been connected.

18 Mar 2022 12:37 UTC

Reply to article "Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer"

Thomas W reply

This might fit ( or not)

18 Mar 2022 12:24 UTC

Reply to article "Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer"

macsimski reply

What is the connector type? I have a synth with this type of connector and I am in need for a contra. Thanks

18 Mar 2022 06:33 UTC

Reply to article "Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer"

Thomas W reply

Hallo, schön, das diese Maschinen aus der DDR auch heute noch funktionieren. Genau dafür wurden sie, zumindest die für die DDR bestimmten langlebigen Produkte, konzipiert. Für Quelle und usw, hergestellte waren z.T. auf Anforderung weniger haltbar und wurden im Westen of billigst verramscht um ein Paar D-Mark zu erwirtschaften. Gibt es noch Ersatz für die Mechanik, Druckkopf/Typenrad/Farbbänder? Hast Du unter Linux Erfolg die Tastatur in einer VT100 Emulation zu verwenden? Zum Bsp um einen PDP-8 emu oder Altair8800 emu anzusprechen? Geht natüröich nicht direkt (über den Parallelport). Linux müsste den Terminal-Bildschirm anzeigen und Tastatur-Eingaben über RS232 an den Urahn aller Computer schicken. Gehen ESC-Sequenzen? Links: LG

17 Mar 2022 08:42 UTC

Reply to article "lnj-post-ejabberd-ansible"

TCB reply

Unable to access GIT repository for your playbooks. Is it no longer available, or has it moved. After wrestling unsuccessfully with various manual, distribution, and source-based installs, I've decided to pay to learn how to use and create Ansible-based installations.

03 Mar 2022 19:46 UTC

Reply to article "Debian on an x86_64 tablet"

Jonah Brüchert reply

Thanks for the suggestion!

05 Feb 2022 16:44 UTC

Reply to article "Debian on an x86_64 tablet"

luchoz reply

take a look at the script by linuxium ( it solves all the problems with the 32bits efi on 64bits intel proccesors. also, it adds a bunch of common drivers for this kind of pcs/tablets. i personally use it for my old thosiba tablet

05 Feb 2022 15:13 UTC

Reply to article "AudioTube nightly builds available"

bestsheep reply

Great app, loving it. I like the clean interface. Any chance of adding a download feature, so we can snag music before heading away from wifi?

27 Jan 2022 01:24 UTC

Reply to article "AudioTube nightly builds available"

Redo11 reply

I love your app! I can't wait for more features, like download, following etc! Finally something that isn't electron webapp!

21 Jan 2022 16:00 UTC

Reply to article "AudioTube, a client for YouTube Music"

Jonah Brüchert reply

As you know, it's work in progress :)

05 Jan 2022 09:08 UTC

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